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Our Projects

We are focused in three mountain states of Indian Himalaya i.e., Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. The main focus areas are sustainable agriculture, energy, water, biodiversity & ecosystem services and capacity development.

1. Development Projects
Agriculture: As part of our agriculture program our main focus is on sustainable agriculture. Our approach is landscape rather than farm based. We follow the principles of permaculture. We are into agriculture research, capacity development and extension of best practices.
We are promoting climate smart agriculture as part of climate adaptation strategies for the mountain agriculture and minimize carbon emission from agricultural practices. Promotion of passive solar energy in higher mountain areas is also being done.
We have been documenting and promoting indigenous food systems of the Indian Himalaya. 

Agroforestry: In order to diversify the income of the marginalized communities agroforestry is being promoted. We have partnered with SayTree to establish new agroforestry farms.

Energy: Our main goal is to make mountain kitchen smokeless by promoting low cost smokeless and energy efficient stoves. We have our partnership with UCOST (Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology). This apart, renewable energy like biogas and solar energy are also the core focus areas.

Water: Clean drinking water facilities through recharge of traditional springs, filtration of water and management of micro watersheds.

Eco-tourism: Village tourism to connect the general public to agriculture. This makes tourism affordable and helps in improving the livelihoods of the community. Responsible tourism is promoted by us. Homestays are being developed in remote villages of Bageshwar and environmental expeditions are promoted.

Health & Hygiene: Awareness on menstrual health and hygiene is promoted in the mountains. Sustainable solutions are being provided to girls and women

Waste Management: This is being done through awareness campaigns and installation of waste bins in the villages. 

Value addition: Value addition to agriculture, horticulture and wild flora is being done for improving the longivity of the produce and also to improve the economic condition of the communities.

Establishment of libraries: With the support of our funders and donors we are establishing libraries in remote schools of Uttarakhand.

2. Research Projects

Agriculture - Research related to impact of climate change, climate smart agriculture, companion planting, crop rotation, pollination, organic farming, indigenous food system, etc., are the focus.


Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services - Documentation of biodiversity (both flora & fauna) and ecosystem services and the potential risks are being documented for each landscape under study. Role of pollinators in traditional agriculture and new crops like kiwi is being studied.


Climate Change - Impact of climate change on flora and agriculture and phenology of selected crops and wild flora. Phenological changes in rhododendron is being researched. 


Indoor Air Pollution - Communities in the mountains are still dependent on fuel wood to meet their energy requirement and use smoky stoves. On one hand CHINAR is promoting energy efficient smokeless stoves and at the same time we are conducting studies to document indoor air pollution by monitoring the air quaity inside the kitchen. We have a collaborative research project with UCOST.

3. Capacity Development Programmes

​CHINAR offers a wide range of capacity development programmes:

* Project Development & Management;  * Sustainable Agriculture;

* Participatory Rural Appraisal;             * Biodiversity Assessment;

* Watershed Management;     * Documentation & Communication;

For more details write to us: 


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