Contribution in White Paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems
The White/Wiphala paper is a collective Paper coordinated by the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems, edited by a Technical...
CHINAR Contribution to FAO Book
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Alliance of Biodiversity International and CIAT launched a new report “Indigenous Peoples’...
III Web Dialogue: Nature Based Solutions to fight Climate Change in the Urban context
CHINAR conducted the IIIrd web dialogue on Nature Based Solutions to fight Climate Change in the Urban context. The panelists were Aditya...
Development of Sacred Grove (Dev Van)
CHINAR with the help of women SHG of Shama Village in Bageshwar developed a sacred grove in Shama village of Bageshwar. CHINAR also...
II Web Dialogue: Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience in the Mountains
The 11nd web dialogue was conducted on Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience in the Mountains. The panelists were by Peter...
Environment & Sustainability Web Dialogue Series
CHINAR and Global Foundation started a web dialogue series on environment and sustaibaility issues. The dialogues will be conducted...
COVID Relief Programme
CHINAR with the support of WIPRO Foundation started relief programme for the marginalized and poor families of Bageshwar and Pithoragarh...
CHINAR Participated in International Bee Day Event Organized by FAO, Rome
CHINAR Chairman presented on International Bee Day Event Organized by FAO, Rome. His presentation was on Indigenous Bee Keeping practices...
CHINAR's Himalayan Citizen Science Forum
CHINAR launched its Himalayan Citizen Science forum. This forum is to create interest of citizens in environmental issues and involve...
Training on Energy Efficient Smokeless Stoves
CHINAR organised a Training on Energy Efficient Smokeless Stoves at Gola village of Pithoragarh District ( Uttarakhand) on 08-03-2020 and...